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  • Name:Emily Yu
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Home > News > NEW RELEASE : Duplex Stainless Steel 2205 Tubeset
NEW RELEASE : Duplex Stainless Steel 2205 Tubeset
Date:2016-02-23        Hits:1108        Back
Duplex 2205 contains 22% Chromium and 5% Nickel which make it very corrosion resistant. Moreover, balanced strength and elasticity result in a frame with comfortable ride quality.
SS2205 was developed in Sweden over 70 years ago. With high resistance to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in chloride-bearing environment, SS2205 has widely been applied in sea water service system, flowline for sea water and petroleum industry.

Physical properties such as high mechanical strength, good weldability and machinability that SS2205 possesses make it a good candidate for bicycle frame. ORA, with its 10 years of experience in handling stainless steel tubeset, fully utilized the good properties of SS2205 and built bicycle frames with the ride quality of chromoly and the corrosion resistance comparable to titanium.

SS2205 is rust-free. Therefore, simple and elegant scotch brite is the best surface finish choice, and painting is absolutely not necessary.